5 Seat Tourist Car

Parameter 5 Seat Gasoline Tourist Car 5 Seat Electric Tourist Car
Maximum Speed 45km/h 30km/h
Maximum Slope ≥11.3°/20% 11.3°/20%
Weight 905kg 800kg
Minimum Turning Radius 5m 4.75m
Vehicle Displacement/

Rated Power&Voltage

1.05L 5KW 48/72 V

For sightseeing car, there are different seats. And 5 seat tourist car has a relatively small number of seats. Due to its small capacity, it is convenient to drive and easy to maintain in daily operation. Most 5 seat tourist cars are used in limited places like small size park, theme park, zoo and playground which is full of kids. Do you know why?

Why 5 seat tourist car is so popular?

Because it has many different special looks. For example, cute cartoon style sightseeing car that is popular in theme park, zoo and etc. And it can attract kids’ eyes and attention, and then their parents may take them to experience your 5 seat sightseeing car. Besides, police car shape is suitable for policeman or security guard to patrol in specific area such as scenic spot, fairground and so on. No matter what style, it is very convenient for you to use.

How to choose the drive mode?

And maybe you may ask how to choose its drive mode, battery or gas? Don’t worry, both of them are OK. That depends on your requirements. If you prefer the power, speed and climbing ability, you can choose 5 seat gasoline sightseeing car. And if you want more convenience in daily operation or maintenance, 5 seat electric tourist car is a good choice for you. In addition, you also should consider your place, your volume of passengers and other needs or situation.

In short, the biggest advantage of 5 seat tourist car is convenient and small colorful shape. If you need this kind of tourist car, you can contact with us and ask specific price. And if you have other questions, please tell us, too. Of course, about its appearance, we provide you with customized service. So you can choose the style you like in advance and then tell us your needs. We hope that we can bring you best tour car with reliable quality and thoughtful service.

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