8 Seat Sightseeing Car


Parameter 8 Seat Gasoline Sightseeing Car 8 Seat Electric Sightseeing Car
Maximum Speed 30km/h 30km/h
Maximum Slope ≥11.3°/20% 10°/18%
Weight 920kg 1340kg
Vehicle Displacement/

Rated Power&Voltage

1.05L 10kw&72v
Minimum Turning Radius/

Charging Time

6.3m 10-14h

Nowadays, sightseeing car is very popular with traveling. In holiday, special festivals or on weekend, most adults are willing to travel somewhere with their friends or family members. Maybe they want to visit local scenic spots, representative parks, or famous hotels. So if there are 8 seat sightseeing car in these places, that is suitable and convenient for them to do those things.The reasons are as follows. Please follow me and see.

The advantages of 8 seat sightseeing car

Firstly, there are many advantages of 8 seat tourist car. On the one hand, the capacity is proper. Generally, one family has 3-5 people at least. And sometimes maybe add some little kids or their belongings. Therefore, 8 seat tourist car has comfortable space for them to sit and visit scenery. On the other hand, sightseeing car can give them comfortable riding experience of relaxing and visiting. Do you agree with me?

Another style of 8 seat tour cart for sale

In addition to 8 seat tour car, there is another 8 seat tourist cart which is also popular and common in club, golf course, park and etc. That is 8 seat golf cart. It has compact body, small cart head and simple colors. Generally black and white are its main colors. So most people like it due to the unique appearance. What’s more, we also can make the different colors of 8 seat golf cart if you need such as gray, orange and so on.

If you are looking for a kind of sightseeing car for sale to attract your customers, 8 seat tourist car is a good choice. The capacity is common and suitable for almost all small and medium traveling places. For example, park, hotel, playground and scenic spot. Dinis is a professional amusement rides manufacturer. And we also design and produce 8 seat tour car with reliable quality, customized service and also after-sales service. Welcome to contact us and learn specific information about 8 seat tourist car.

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