Patrol Golf Cart for Sale

Nowadays, maybe you seldom see patrol golf cart in our daily life. However it is necessary for these places: park, hotel, scenic spot,community and etc. Therefore, in Dinis, we also provide patrol golf cart for sale with you. If you have needs of patrol in your venue, you can consider our patrol golf cart. Next, let me introduce the features of it for you.

Which venues are suitable for using patrol golf cart?

Firstly, patrol golf cart suits many places we just mentioned. And in these places, you can use it to check whether there is unsafe factors or other emergency situations. Also, you can use it just patrol and manage the daily work. Therefore, we provide police patrol golf cart, common patrol golf cart and other types according to your requirements. And each type has its unique appearance. You can choose the suitable type according to your needs and place.

What are the appearance of different patrol golf carts?

Secondly, about the appearance of our patrol golf cart. For the police patrol golf cart, there is a police light on the top of the cart. The whole color of the cart is white or white and blue. Of course, there are other colors if you need. And for the common patrol golf cart, you can choose whatever types and colors you want. As long as it is proper for your venue.

How about the size and seats of patrol golf cart?

Thirdly, you may care about its size and seats. Usually, 2 seats and 4 seats are common. Because the patrol golf cart doesn’t need much passengers. What’s more, we can add a box behind the cart if you want to store something. And you also can choose fully-enclosed patrol golf cart, semi-enclosed patrol golf cart and open type. We provide customized service with you if you have special requirements.

So if you have other questions about patrol golf cart for sale in Dinis, you can contact us and tell us your needs.

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